The DNA of The Food Business is about taking inspiration from the ever-changing world and combining this knowledge with our experience.
Here are some of our sources of inspiration, we then add imagination and – no holds barred we are well on the way to Ideation, the first stage of Idea to Plate.
- Our extensive library of diverse books and pamphlets (mainly cookery, but you will find the odd processing manual) dates from 1868 to present day enables you to be immersed in another world and drill down into areas the internet doesn’t allow.
- Our work archive spanning 32 years is a source of re-invention.
- The internet and Pinterest lets The Food Business share initial thoughts, have a look at our boards
- Travel either in the UK and Europe or further afield has rich rewards, new ingredients, new trends
- We gain knowledge from working in factories all over the world to small cottage industries closer to home.
- Working across many preservation technologies always leads to cross-fertilisation of thought.
- Shopping be it online or ‘for real’ stimulates thinking. We love all retailers from the major multiples to corner shops, farmers shops, markets and bazaars.
- It’s not only the food and drink, but it is also the packaging.
- Eating out is more than a pleasure, we learn from every dish.
- Listening, watching, reading, being aware what is happening in the media, helps channel our thinking
- Consumer and lifestyle trending keeps us on our toes, not only current day trends but those from the past, perhaps they are more relevant today
We love sharing all this information and chatting with friends and colleagues, provoking even more thought.
A selection from our 3,000 strong collections of cookery books, journals, magazines and pamphlets.
Use books as bees use flowers

Eating in measures defies the doctor

There is a skill in making all things, even in making porridge

Eating and drinking should not keep the men from thinking
We learn by our failures

Double, double toil and trouble? Our 30-year spell in NPD will help you charm consumers.